Les poèmes animaliers de 5e 1 et 4 - Collège Henri Dunant

Les poèmes animaliers de 5e 1 et 4

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Suite à l’étude du poème chanté de Shel Silverstein, les élèves de 5e ont écrit un poème animalier à la façon de Silverstein grâce à une fiche pour les guider.

Voici quelques unes de leurs productions.

The Lion’s Headache par Émilie et Omny

The lion
Went to the doctor’s,
And sat down in the chair.
And the doctor said : “Now tell me, Sir

Why does it hurt and Where ?
And the lion said « I have a pain in my head
I have a terrible, terrible ache in my head »
The doctor gave it a tablet.
And suddenly the doctor shaved the mane of the lion.
The lion was annoyed so he bit the doctor because he
was evil.
Where was the leg of the doctor gone ?
In the lion’s mouth.

The elephant par Manon et Oumaima

The Elephant who had an ear ache
Went to the doctor’s
And sat down in the chair
And the doctor said « now tell me, sir, why does it hurt and where ? »
And the elephant said « I’ll tell you the truth,
My ears are big, i have a terrible pain in my ears
The doctor tested the elephant’s ears.
The doctor, he climbed on the elephant’s ears.
And the doctor laughed « Oh isn’t this fun ? »
As he cut one ear with a saw.
And the elephant cried “It hurts”
But what’s one elephant’s ear’s more or less ?
Then suddenly the elephant ran away.

The Elephant par Aylin et Léa

The Elephant
Went to the ear doctor’s
And sat down in the chair
And the doctor said, « Now tell me, sir,
Why does it hurt and where ? »
And the elephant said, « I’ll tell you the truth
I have a terrible, terrible ache in my ear, »
And he approached his ear so close, so close
The doctor, he climbed right inside,
And the doctor laughed,« oh isn’t this fun ? »
As he pulled an ear out.
And the elephant cried, « You’re hurting me so !
Please put down your pliers and let me go. « But the doctor laughed with a HO HO HO,
And he said, “I still have one to go
Oops, that’s the wrong one, I confess,
But what’s one elephant’s ears more or a less ?”
Then suddenly, the elephant went SNAP,
And the doctor was gone, right of the map
And where he went no one could guess.
To North or South or East or West
He left no forwarding address,
But what’s one doctor, more or less ?

The Elephant par Mohamed et Samya

The Elephant
Went to the Doctor’s.
And sat down in the chair.
And the Doctor said .
Why does it hurt and where ?
And the Elephant said .
I have terrible ache in my ears,
And he opened his ears so wide.
The doctor laughed « Oh isn’t this fun ? »
As he pulled the ears out one by one,
And the Elephant cried « You’re hurting me so ! »
Please put down you pliers and let me go. « But the doctor laughed with a
Ho Ho Ho. »
But what’s one Elephant ears more or less ?
Then suddenly he kicked him and he fell down.

The rhino’s stomachache par Howeina et Julie

The rhino’s stomachache
The rhino went to the doctor’s
And sat down in the chair
And the doctor said “Now tell me sir
Why does it hurt and where ?”
And the rhino said “I’ll tell you the truth,
I have a terrible,terrible ache on my stomach
And the doctor tapped in his stomach
And the doctor laughed,”Oh ! Isn’t this fun ?”
And he fed him sandwiches one by one
And the rhino cried “You’re hurting me so !
Please put down your sandwich and let me go “But the doctor laughed with
a HO HO HO !!!!
And he said, “I still have 12 to give you
Oops that’s the wrong one I confess
But what’s one rhino’s stomach more or less ?”
Then suddenly, the jaws went BOOM !!!!!

Voir en ligne : The Crocodile’s Toothache

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